Teaching English at Waldorf schools has been my most important occupation in life.
Helping/coaching Waldorf English teachers is what I care about these days.Through my homepage you’ll be able to access a survey of my relevant publications concerning the teaching of English.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Jaffke
Here you can find information about my work and a number of videos taken during my seminars in various countries.
I’ve worked in more than 30 countries giving seminars and workshops as well as coaching Waldorf English teachers individually. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, these activities have had to be reduced to online coaching. China, Vietnam, Finland, Russia and Mexico are on the list for when international travel will be possible again.
The following is a list of articles and small contributions to various publications I wrote in the course of the years.
publications for teachers
publications sorted by class levels
Among the items for downloading you’ll find the play The Wedding at Ghostmoor Castle by Beat Brodbeck that inspired Peter Morris to write Ghosts at the Castle, the favourite reader of every class 5.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Jaffke attended the Rudolf Steiner School in Wuppertal and after studies in Tuebingen, Cologne and Edinburgh, began teaching English at a Waldorf School in Stuttgart in 1967. He is one of the most experienced English teachers in the Waldorf movement. In 1976, he founded the series Materials for Language Teaching at Rudolf Steiner Waldorf Schools.Since 1975, he has been involved in training English teachers at the Freie Hochschule Stuttgart, Seminar for Waldorf Education. In 1994, he published the first scientific study on the theoretical background and methods of foreign language teaching in the lower grades of Waldorf schools and in mainstream schools. In 2005, he was a visiting professor at Hiroshima University, and the following year at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo. In September 2006, he became one of the co-founders of the fourth Waldorf School in Stuttgart, where he taught the lower classes until 2011. In 2012 in Guangzhou, he and Monika Boyd instituted the annual Conference for Waldorf English Teachers in China. His international teaching, lecturing and coaching engagements have also taken him to these countries: Argentina – Armenia – Austria – Brazil – Columbia – Denmark – Egypt – Estonia – Finland – France – Georgia – Guatemala – Hungary – India – Indonesia – Israel – Korea – Malaysia – Mexico – Myanmar (Burma) – Norway – Peru – Poland – Russia – Singapore – Slovenia – Spain – Switzerland – Taiwan – Thailand – The Philippines – Vietnam.
mail to info@christophjaffke.net